martedì 7 giugno 2011

League of Legends Launches Tribunal System

As RiotGames puts it, today is “Judgement Day” for League of Legends griefers.  The new Tribunal System is a peer review system that uses juries to punish players that have been reported for bad behaviour.   Those players participating in the Tribunal will receive random harassment reports to review, along with chat logs and players stats, then will decide whether to punish the player or pardon them.  If enough jurors find the defendant guilt, they will received a temporary ban.
Those players volunteering as Tribunal reviewers and who cast their votes with the winning side will be rewarded with Influence Points (the virtual currency of League of Legends)  for their service to the community. Auditors from the Riot Games Customer Support Team will constantly review the system for accuracy and fairness.
League of Legends is the first MMO game that I know of that has created a jury system to punish players for harassment and bad behaviour, although currently the system does not include cheating.  It will be interesting to see if this new system is successful or becomes abused by players grouping together to punish people they don’t like.  It seems there are checks in place to prevent abuse, but we’ll see.  I would love to see this type of system implemented in other MMO games to report botters and farmers.
Checkout the video below to see how the Tribunal system works in action.

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